Inks and Pigments

ChemGroup has been servicing the needs of our customers in the Inks and Pigments market for many years. We offer a wide array of industrial and specialty chemical products to meet the requirements of our customers.

Featured Products

NOTE: The Products and Services Listed respresent only the most requested.
Most products are available in a variety of grades and approvals including: Industrial, Technical, USP, Food Grade, Kosher and Reagent.
Acetone Fatty Acids Salt
Alcohols Filter Aids Soda Ash
Aliphatics Formaldehyde Sodium Bicarbonate
Alum Glycerin Sodium Chlorite
Aluminum Chloride Glycol Ethers Sodium Hydrosulfite
Amines Glycols Sodium Nitrate
Ammonium HCL Sodium Nitrite
Ammonium Hydroxide Hydrogen Peroxide Sorbitol
Aromatics Hydroxy Acidic Stearic
Barium Chloride IPA Sulfamic
Benzoic KOH - Flake Sulfuric
BHT MEK Tall Oils
Calcium Carbonate Minerals Spirits TiO2
Calcium Chloride Naphthenic Tweens
Carbon Nonyl Phenols Urea
Caustic Paraffinic White Oils
Caustic Soda Beads Paraformaldehyde
Clay Peroxide
Defoamer Phosphate Esters
EDTA Phosphates
EG Phthallic Anhydride
ESO Propylene Glycol

Exceeding Our Customer’s Expectations
Bonded Chemicals, Inc.- Serving Central and NE Ohio and Pennsylvania – (614)777-9240
Chemical Services, Inc. – Serving Northern Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Northern Indiana –(937)898-5566
Chemicals, Inc. – Serving Central Indiana and Southern Ohio – (513)682-2000
Chemical Resources, Inc. – Serving Kentucky, Southern Indiana, W. Virginia –(502)367-2228
Specialty Chemical Co. LLC – Serving Tennessee, Georgia, Carolinas, Alabama –(423)479-9664